
Exchange rate dollar to naira black market
Exchange rate dollar to naira black market

exchange rate dollar to naira black market

WUBS holding balance facility enables you to temporarily hold amounts that you have acquired to make or receive a payment for up to 90 days. Transaction fees may also apply to transactions other than EDGE Network Payment services. WUBS will apply a foreign currency exchange rate, which includes a margin set by WUBS, whenever a transaction includes a currency conversion. *Transaction fee-free EDGE Network Payment services are available between fully accredited customers that have registered to use the WU® EDGE platform and are authorised by a WUBS affiliate to access services in Australia, Austria, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Malta, New Zealand, Poland, Singapore, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and USA. For a full list of WUBS operating entities, licensing information and relevant country information please click here. Western Union Business Solutions (WUBS) is a business unit of the Western Union group of companies and operates through local affiliates in a number of countries around the world. For additional information about Western Union Business Solutions USA, LLC visit. For a complete listing of US state licensing, click here. Services in the US are provided by Western Union Business Solutions (USA), LLC (NMLS ID: 907333 MA MT license #: FT0041) (referred to as “WUBS” or “Western Union Business Solutions”). Western Union Business Solutions is a business unit of The Western Union Company.

Exchange rate dollar to naira black market