Don't ask us what we would buy for a given project./r/itcareerquestions /r/ccna and /r/ccent are all available for early-career discussions.This sub-reddit is dedicated to higher-level, more senior networking topics.Please review How to ask intelligent questions to avoid this issue.Professionals research & troubleshoot before they ask others for help. We expect our members to treat each other as fellow professionals.Any post that fails to display a minimal level of effort prior to asking for help is at risk of being Locked or Deleted.Surveys may be approved with the moderators' permission.But harassing members to check out your content will not be tolerated. You may share a URL to a blog that answers questions already in discussion. Directing our members to resources elsewhere is closely monitored.This sub prefers to share knowledge within the sub community.These posts will be deleted without mercy.These topics pollute our industry and devalue the hard work of others.Home Lab hardware discussions, as in "what do I buy for a homelab" are not permitted.Home Lab discussions, as a tool for learning & certifications are welcomed.Home Networks, even complex ones are best discussed elsewhere like /r/homenetworking.

We aren't here to troubleshoot your "advanced" video game latency issues.Topics regarding senior-level networking career progression are permitted.

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